Award-winning eBooks and whitepapers

These two eBooks for Ogilvy & Mather won the Colorado Gold Key Award for B2B marketing. Use the scrollbar on the right to read through them.

Company: Veritiv

What does it take for a property manager to keep tenants happy and beat the competition? Less than you might think. Scroll through the eBook below to find out.

Company: Veritiv

Is there a cleaning strategy that wins, cutting costs by 40% and increasing employee productivity by 50%? Yes, and it's the subject of this eBook. Did you know housekeeping is a retro strategy? Lean cleaning is how you stay competitive. Scroll through the eBook below.

Company: Digital Globe 

Trying to convince government agencies to switch from aerial to satellite imagery isn't an easy task when they're believe that the resolution is too low. However, that's not the case. The resolution is almost the same and the imagery is more current, which means it can save lives in crisis situations. It truly is the hero of this campaign I led, interviewing potential customers, and creating a series of emails and a nontraditional whitepaper that reads like a feature article.

Company: Level 3

One of the secrets to cloud privacy is the network you choose. In this whitepaper, Level 3 is the clear winner. Scroll through it below.

Company: Hewlett-Packard

Hewlett-Packard wanted retailers to know that Cloud benefits outweigh security risks. The result was a traditional whitepaper full of fascinating facts. Scroll through it below.

Company: Astute Solutions

Produced lead generation pieces for this smart CRM software provider. 

Created whitepaper for a top insurance provider with Madison Design.