Award-winning infographics for content-marketing campaigns 

What makes an infographic great? Fun, simple visuals and language. Fresh solutions to industry problems. Even better, solutions to problems the industry didn't even know existed. 

The infographic below won the 2018 Communicator Award for Excellence. Use the scrollbar on the right to view.

This infographic won the 2016 Internet Marketing IMPACT Award. Use the scrollbar on the right to view.

Company: Veritiv

Not all manufacturing facilities are aware of how much money they lose on waste, or what types of waste they should be aware of. Until they get Lean. This infographic declares "a war on cleaning waste," sharing a fresh perspective with a traditional industry. 

Use the scrollbar to view the entire infographic below.

Company: Veritiv

A big problem for manufacturing is attracting Millennials. This infographic tackles that issue, offering ideas for attracting this discerning generation. 

Use the scrollbar to view the entire infographic below.

Company: Level 3

How do you know you have the right network for your cloud service? This infographic asks all the right questions. (Client edits to copy.)

Company: Veritiv

Some topics are hard to write about--like toilet paper, for instance. But that doesn't mean they can't be entertaining. 

Use the scrollbar to view the entire infographic below.